Free kindness calendar for primary school children
Spring is often seen as a time for new beginnings, so it’s the perfect opportunity to introduce your class to simple, daily acts of kindness.

With the Spring kindness calendar, 5 to 11-year-olds can learn about the power of kindness in supporting others and for their own wellbeing. Available for download, the calendar activities include a range of ideas to get started. Pin your calendar to the wall and add to it, reflecting as you go on the kind acts that have been achieved throughout spring.There are different sets of kindness activity suggestions for ages 5 to 7 and 7 to 11. Both include simple things they can do individually and with others to make a difference, colouring in the box each time they achieve their kind act.
You may choose to use our PowerPoint to help introduce the subject of kindness, this is especially useful if you are using this resource in a school environment.

Learning objectives
By taking part in the Spring kindness calendar activities, children will:

identify ways to show kindness
discuss the meaning and importance of kindness

practise using kindness in their everyday lives
reflect on how it feels to be kind and make a kindness goal
Resource overview 1. Spring kindness calendar
Use the blank kindness calendar to plan the kind acts. You can try some of our suggested activities or think of your own to do throughout spring.
2. Kindness activities
Read the supporting guidance for ideas to introduce the theme of kindness, and for different activities to do throughout spring. We have suggestions for two age groups: 5 to 7 or 7 to 11.
Get inspired by our suggested kind acts, using them as a starter to allow children to think of their own ideas. Children can think about being kind to:
friends and family
the community
the environment
3. Optional PowerPoint
You can introduce the calendar theme with our supporting PowerPoint. Ask children what kindness means to them and how it makes them feel. Afterwards, they can draw or write their ideas down and pin them around the Spring kindness calendar poster.
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