October 2023 Peninsula Calendar
8 Sunday October

Canary Islands
Jim Gardner “Fascinating succulent flora of the Canary Islands.” Jim Gardner will share his experience with winter-growing succulent plants from the “Mediterranean” climate zones that are so well-adapted to our climatic area and the travels he’s taken to the Canary Islands. You’ll also get to see the beautiful ceramic planters that Jim makes for his succulents and sells to others. 1 p.m. South Coast Botanic Garden, 26300 Crenshaw Blvd., Palos Verdes Peninsula. Free admission for SCCSS members and their guests. Information: southcoastcss.org.

1 Sunday October
Trolls: Save the Humans

Thomas Dambo’s acclaimed artist’s signature folklore-inspired troll sculptures built from reclaimed materials. Six larger-than-life trolls are meeting at the South Coast Botanic Gardens to try to help us humans out. Hundreds of trolls came together at “Trolliefolkyfest” to discuss their favorite topic – us humans. While they know we mean well, we keep failing them by making questionable choices, like cutting down forests, emptying rivers, and putting humans – and them – in danger. Save the Humans is free with General Garden Admission tickets. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 26300 Crenshaw Blvd., Palos Verdes Peninsula. Information: southcoastbotanicgarden.org/thomas-dambo-trolls-save-the-humans.

L.A.vation is a highly acclaimed U2 tribute band from Los Angeles that delivers an incredibly authentic reproduction of a real U2 concert. Whether you’re a casual listener or an avid U2 fan, you’ll be absolutely amazed as they pay homage to one of the greatest rock and roll bands of all time. 4 – 6 p.m. Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th Street, San Pedro. Tickets and Information: southcoastbotanicgarden.org/thomas-dambo-trolls-save-the-humans, (310) 833-3281.
Sunday football
NFL games all day on the LED wall on the Navy Ship Fantail. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Battleship IOWA, 250 S. Harbor Blvd., San Pedro. Vicky’s Doghouse will be open for food and beverages. Ongoing till December 3. Contact: (310) 971-4462.
The first speaker will be Dylan Zoller. Dylan has had a strong interest in exotic plants since he was six years old. He works at Sherman Gardens where he maintains a collection of over 300 bromeliad species. Program will be on Bromeliaceae and associated flora in Eastern Brazil, including Minas Gerais to Bahia state. 1:30 p.m. Palos Verdes Library Community Room, 3rd floor, 701 Silver Spur Rd., Rolling Hills. Refreshments, members’ Show and Tell bromeliads, and a plant auction. Free parking on the lower and upper levels of the library. Information: pvld.org.
4 Wednesday October
Sam Ross Trio
“Live at the Mira Room Vol. II” is an EP that has been in the works for over two years. Sam Ross and Co. will be performing the whole record throughout the course of two sets, with many other originals and arrangements from Sam thrown in for good measure. 8 p.m. Tickets and Information: alvasshowroom.com, (310) 833-3281.
NASA’s Artemis 1 Mission
Peninsula Seniors Bohannon Lecture Series with William Whittenbury, an astronautical engineer and former NASA Space Launch System Vehicle Integration Intern, presents an in-depth look at the design and development of this space launch system and what’s next in this exciting exploration program. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Scriba Family Center, 602 Deep Valley Dr., #310, Rolling Hills. Coffee social at 10:15 a.m. Open to the community. Information: pvseniors.org, (310) 377-3003.
5 Thursday October
blueTIDES 2023: Blue Economy Day
Discover the endless opportunities and innovations that arise from our oceans. Fascinating speaker presentations, in-water product demos, more than a dozen flash talks, and a room full of some of the blue-ist minds in the industry to network, learn, and collaborate. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Port of LA, 600 E. 5th Street, San Pedro. RSVP: torranceca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/30854/18?curm=10&cury=2023.
1st Thursday
On the first Thursday of each month, the artists, entertainers, and business people of San Pedro celebrate the arts with an evening of open galleries, studios, street vendors, and live entertainment in the San Pedro Arts & Culture Entertainment District. Free. 5 p.m. Between 4th & 8th St., San Pedro. Information: 1stthursday.com.
6 Friday October
San Pedro Farmers Market
Every Friday. Farm fresh California produce. Fruits, Vegetables, eggs, honey, gifts, and local foods. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. 396 W. 6th St., San Pedro.
Bobby McFerrin
Winner of ten Grammys and creator of the #1 global hit “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”, continues to explore uncharted musical territory and connect people through the unlimited possibilities of music. 8 p.m. Torrance Cultural Arts Center, 3330 Civic Center Dr., Torrance. Ticket office: (310) 781-7171. Information: arts.torranceca.gov/home-culturalartscenter.
Book sale
Peninsula Friends of the Library book sale. 2 – 6 p.m. Peninsula Center Library, parking garage off Silver Spur, 701 Silver Spur Road, Rolling Hills. Phone: (310) 377-9584 x 253. Information: pvld.org/locations#peninsulacenter.
The Seaside Beaders, a special interest group of the Azure Verde Chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America meeting. 9:30 a.m. St. Francis Episcopal Church, 2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates. The project is a fringe beaded bracelet. Visitors Welcome.
7 Saturday October
Outdoor volunteer day
Help remove invasive weeds and care for a community restoration site to benefit wildlife. Students can receive community service hours. 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Agua Amarga Reserve, Rock Park Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes. Sign up: pvplc.org/event/outdoor-volunteer-day-oct7/.
Fiesta Italiana
Live entertainment, authentic Italian food, Beer & Wine garden, and kids activities. Sat. & Sun. 11 a.m. – 10 p.m. Downtown San Pedro, 7th Street, San Pedro. Free. Information: lilaa.org.
Guided nature walk
Naturalists will guide you along a trail through the preserve to discover a unique variety of wildlife in their canyon habitat with amazing views of the LA Basin. Meet on the back patio of the Nature Center and come inside to explore after the hike. 10:30 a.m. George F Canyon Nature Preserve, 27305 Palos Verdes Dr. E, Rolling Hills. Free. RSVP: http://pvplc.org/event/1st-saturday-family-nature-walk/2023-10-07/.
Maria Bamford
Maria Bamford is revered for her deeply personal and experimental comedy about mental illness. She starred in the surreal, semi-autobiographical Netflix comedy series Lady Dynamite, about a comedian who suffers a nervous breakdown, and is the star of three unconventional hour-long stand-up specials: Weakness is the Brand, Old Baby and Maria Bamford, the special, special, special. 8 p.m. Torrance Cultural Arts Center, 3330 Civic Center Dr., Torrance. Ticket office: (310) 781-7171.
8 Sunday October
Sean Na’auao
The performance of multi-Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award-Winning music artist Sean Naʻauao to benefit the tragic fires in Maui and to bring the South Bay and Hawaiian communities together for an evening of music and hula. Doors open at 4 p.m. Palos Verdes Performing Arts, 27570 Crossfield Dr., Rolling Hills. Tickets: eventbrite.com/e/sean-naauao-concert-tickets-669982544827.
Canary Islands
Jim Gardner “Fascinating succulent flora of the Canary Islands”
Jim Gardner will share his experience growing winter-growing succulent plants from the “Mediterranean” climate zones that are so well-adapted to our climatic area and the travels he’s taken to the Canary Islands. You’ll also get to see the beautiful ceramic planters that Jim makes for his succulents and sells to others. 1 p.m. South Coast Botanic Garden, 26300 Crenshaw Blvd., Palos Verdes Peninsula. Free admission for SCCSS members and their guests. Information: southcoastcss.org.
10 Tuesday October
Practice gentle yoga in a calming environment. All levels. Chair option is available. Bring water, mat or use one of theirs. No registration required. Free. Ongoing on Tuesday until October 31. 10 – 11 a.m. Peninsula Center Library, 701 Silver Spur Rd., Rolling Hills. Phone: (310) 377-9584.
11 Wednesday October
Summer of Love
Peninsula Seniors members and Music Appreciation instructor, Ann and Lee Strong, discuss the phenomenon of the “Summer of Love – 1967,” its movement and music. They will explore the 1960’s hippie era reflecting the anti-establishment mood of the time. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Scriba Family Center, 602 Deep Valley Dr., #310, Rolling Hills. Coffee social at 10:15 a.m. Open to the community. Information: pvseniors.org, (310) 377-3003.
13 Friday October
The String Revolution
Three virtuoso guitar players who create distinctive sounds with guitars mimicking percussion, special effects, melodic grooves, basslines, and more with a passion for many musical styles and guitar technique that has given The String Revolution their unique sound. 7 – 9 p.m. George Nakano Theater, Torrance Cultural Arts Center, 3330 Civic Center Dr., Torrance. Tickets: torrancearts.org/upcoming-shows/.
Positive Aging
Learn about the Palos Verdes Peninsula Village, an organization dedicated to creating a sense of community for older adults living on the Peninsula. Their goal is to create connections, foster friendships, and provide invaluable volunteer support for members. Information session at 11 a.m.Purcell Room, Palos Verdes Library. For more information, call (310) 991-3324, visit www.peninsulavillage.net. Email: [email protected].
14 Saturday October
Artist presentation
“Lonely LA: Los Angeles unveiled during the early months of the COVID Pandemic” is a poignant exploration of human resilience, isolation, and the hidden stories that unfolded within the lonely streets of Los Angeles during the early days of the pandemic. Jerry Fleury’s unique ability to capture raw emotions and unseen narratives through his lens and complementary poetry transcends traditional artistic boundaries, creating an exhibition that will resonate deeply with visitors. 1:30 p.m. Reception 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. 701 Silver Spur Road, Rolling Hills. Free.
Nature walk
Explore this unique area on the Peninsula with creekside habitat, diminutive tree frogs, and land formed on windblown sand dunes. Malaga Dunes, Palos Verdes Estates. Easy to moderate. 9 a.m. RSVP: pvplc.org/. Phone: (310) 541-7613.
Native plant sale
Monthly plant sales are back. Come to our nature centers during our sales to learn more about growing local native plants and purchase some for your garden. 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. George F. Canyon Nature Center, 27305 Palos Verdes Dr. E., Rolling Hills. Phone: (310) 541-7613. Information: pvplc.org.
15 Sunday October
Caress of Steel
A perfect re-creation of an early RUSH show, circa 1974-82. 4 p.m. Alvas Showroom, 1417 W. 8th Street, San Pedro. Tickets and information: alvasshowroom.com/event/caress-of-steel-5/, (310) 833-3281.
Peruvian Mission Festival fundraiser for the St. Bernadette Children’s Mission in Lima Peru. We support a Remedial School for developmentally handicapped children, a youth center, and a home for abused children. About 1500 children. The event features music by the Peruvian Experience Company, Peruvian traditional cloth fashion show, doll house raffle, silent auction, and sales of traditional items. 1 – 4 p.m. St. John Fisher Church, Barrette Hall, 5448 Crest Rd., Rancho Palos Verdes. Tickets $65, raffle tickets $10. Tickets can be purchased at the door. Information: stbernadettemission.org/contact. Questions: [email protected].
Humility lecture
Mark McCurties, practitioner of Christian Science healing and international speaker, will present his talk, Humility that “overcomes the world.” 2 p.m. First Church of Christ Scientist, church edifice, 3888 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes. Free. Information: christiansciencepvp.org.
18 Wednesday October
Clean Water Project
Glenn Acosta, senior engineer in the public information office, LA County Sanitation Districts, gives an update on the Clearwater Project to protect local local waterways by addressing aging infrastructure. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Scriba Family Center, 602 Deep Valley Dr., #310, Rolling Hills. Coffee social at 10:15 a.m. Open to the community. Information: pvseniors.org, (310) 377-3003.
19 Thursday October
Carsie Blanton
A unique mix of pop, rock and sultry jazz, with healthy doses of heart, humor and revolutionary optimism. Her viral hits include a tribute to John Prine; Fishin’ with You. 8 p.m. Grand Annex Music Hall, 434 W. 6h St., San Pedro. Tickets and Information: grandvision.org.
20 Friday October
Fall fundraiser
Las Candalistas annual fall fundraiser. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Palos Verdes Golf Club, 3301 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes. This luncheon event, Between the Covers … A Literary Luncheon, will feature 4 best-selling authors in conversation with journalist and author, James T. Bartlett. Boutique shopping 10 a.m., luncheon and author conversations 11:30 a.m. Shop unique vendors, silent auction, sweet shoppe, jams and gourmet foods, and found treasures. Tickets & information: lascandalistas.org.
21 Saturday October
Volunteer day
Join the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy to volunteer on a breathtaking coastal reserve helping restore wildlife habitat. Students can receive community service hours. 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Abalone Cove, 5970 Palos Verdes Dr. South, Rancho Palos Verdes. Sign up: pvplc.org.
The Golden Apple
An innovative interdisciplinary contemporary dance production that seamlessly weaves spoken word, film design, original music, and dance together. Drawing inspiration from the Macedonian folk tale The Boy Who Hid in the Golden Apple, this anti-fairytale explores themes of power and stewardship in a modern context. 8 p.m. Torrance Cultural Arts Center, 3330 Civic Center Dr., Torrance. Tickets and Information: torrancearts.org/show/golden-apple, (310) 781-7171.
Harvest sail
Celebrate the harvest season on a tall ship. Sail the San Pedro Bay and watch the sunset from the deck of a tall ship. You can sit back and relax or become part of the crew – your choice. 5 – 7:30 p.m. LA Waterfront, 6th and Harbor, San Pedro. Tickets and information: lamitopsail.org/harvest-sail.
22 Sunday October
Celebrate Wellness
Join Cancer Support Community South Bay (CSC South Bay) as they celebrate 36 years of providing free support programs for those affected by cancer. Food and beverage tasting fundraiser, hosted and sponsored by the South Coast Botanic Garden, 26300 Crenshaw Blvd., Palos Verdes Peninsula, 4 – 8 p.m. Proceeds will be directed to free programs of support, education and hope offered by CSC South Bay. $175 per person (guests must be 21 and older) Tickets: CelebrateWellness.org or by calling (310) 376-3550.
Westside festival
A food, wine, and spirits festival benefiting the Westside Food Bank. Sips & bites from over 25+ vendors. 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. Automobile Driving Museum, 610 Lairport St., El Segundo. For information and Tickets: swingentertainment.com.
Sip and support
An afternoon of Chateau Montelena, Altamura and Lamborn wines paired with perfect bites and a spectacular sunset on the cliffs of Palos Verdes. Raise a glass and raise critical funding for hundreds of children with permanent sight loss. Tickets are $250 by credit card or check at the door. Reserve your spot by emailing [email protected] by Oct. 13. Information: Partnersforpediatricvision.org.
Guided hike
A guided tour led by the Los Serenos de Point Vicente Docents. The hike will take place through the coastal sage scrub habitat along the western bluff of Trump National Golf Course. Learn about local geology and fall blooming habitat. Approximately 1 and 1⁄2 to 2 hours duration. Moderate hike walking on unstable surfaces and loose gravel down at the beach. Bring water, and wear sturdy closed toe shoes. Meet at the sign-in table set on the sidewalk of the parking lot at 1 p.m. Park to the left of Trump National ClubHouse in a public lot at the end of Trump National Drive. The theme for this walk is “RPV founding and Japanese Farming”. Information: losserenosrpv.org, (310) 544-5260.
Concerts by the coast
Glissando Foundation and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church presents the celebrated Russian cellist Evgeny Tonkha and the award-winning pianist Vladimir Khomyakov in a duo performance. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., concert starts at 7 p.m. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 31290 Palos Verdes Dr. W., Rancho Palos Verdes. Information: glissando.org.
23 Monday October
Golf tournament
The Delynn CDC Golf Classic is an annual event that brings together community members, businesses, and organizations to raise funds and awareness for a crucial cause. This year, our focus is on providing funding to fight Diabetes, a disease that affects millions of people worldwide and has a significant impact on our community. 1 – 8 p.m. Los Verdes Golf Course, 7000 W. Los Verdes Dr., Rancho Palos Verdes. Tickets: events.eventnoire.com/e/delynn-cdc-golf-classic/tickets.
25 Wednesday October
Are the Pilgrims Relevant 400 years later?
Peninsula Seniors member May Kenney reflects on the early pilgrim experience in the new world and its relevance today. She will bring an array of reproduction pilgrim clothing and displays to provide some useful trivia for your Thanksgiving table. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Scriba Family Center, 602 Deep Valley Dr., #310, Rolling Hills. Coffee social 10:15 a.m. Free and open to the community. Information: pvseniors.org, (310) 377-3003.
26 Thursday October
Free Movie
Enjoy a free film at the library. “The Innocents” (1961). Starring Deborah Kerr, Peter Wyngarde & Michael Redgrave. A young governess for two children becomes convinced that the house and ground are haunted. 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. 701 Silver Spur Rd, Rolling Hills. Free. Information: pvld.org, (310) 377-9584 ext. 601.
The Azure Verde Chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America will be meeting at 9:30 a.m. St. Francis Episcopal Church, 2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates. The program is the construction of an embroidered box. Visitors are welcome. Information: azureverdeega.com.
27 Friday October
Tryst alternative art fair
Torrance Art Museum (TAM) presents TRYST and Nomad 2. The world’s largest art fair for alternative galleries and artist-run initiatives. Friday (VIP preview) 4 – 6 p.m., Saturday 12 – 6 p.m., Sunday 12 – 6 p.m. Del Amo Crossing, 21515 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance. Free Admission. Information: TorranceArtMuseum.com.
Chills & thrills
A handpicked selection of creepy, weird, and freaky short plays that scream Halloween. Friday 8 – 10:30 p.m., Saturday & Sunday 2 – 4:30 p.m. Little Fish Theatre, 777 Centre St., San Pedro. Box office: (310) 512-6030. Information: http://littlefishtheatre.org.
Full moon walk
Join the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy for a naturalist guided experience on a moonlit trail to see nature’s nocturnal sights. Ages 8+. $12 per person. 7 p.m. George F. Canyon Nature Preserve, 27305 Palos Verdes Dr. E., Rolling Hills. Advance reservations are required. Sign up: pvplc.org/event/full-moon-walks-gfc-oct27/.
28 Saturday October
Let’s talk music
A listen and discuss program of selected albums from the music reference book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. Each month we select three albums to discuss. Listen to one or all of the picks and join us to talk about your favorite tracks. 12 – 1 p.m. Peninsula Center Library, community room, 701 Silver Spur Rd., Rolling Hills. Contact: (310) 377-9584 ext. 215
Plant sale
Native Plant Sales by the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy. 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., White Point Nature Education Center, 1600 West Paseo del Mar, San Pedro. Information: pvplc.org.
Outdoor volunteer day
Help remove invasive weeds and care for a community restoration site to benefit wildlife. Students can receive community service hours. 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Agua Amarga Reserve, Rock Park Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes. Sign up: pvplc.org/event/outdoor-volunteer-day-oct7/.
29 Sunday October
The Peninsula Symphony Association’s Romantic Classics is free and starts at its new time of 5 p.m. Redondo Union High School Auditorium, 631 Vincent St., Redondo Beach. Exclusive pre concert lecture for Members at 4:15 p.m. The program includes Mozart, Brahms, and Mendelssohn. David Cubek will conduct. Karen Su will solo. Information: pensym.org, (310) 544-0320, music.pensym@verizon.
Friendship Walk
Celebrate making a difference. Go the extra mile for our children. Walk for friendship. Walk for education. Walk to make a difference. Become a sponsor or a volunteer. 8 a.m. check in, 9 a.m. start time. Manhattan Beach Pier. Information: skechersfriendshipwalk.com, (310) 318-3100 x1186, [email protected].