Home phone and landline deals
When it comes to finding the best landline deal for your house, there are plenty of things to keep in mind. Whether you live alone, in a house share or you have a busy household, your home phone deal should be one that works for your needs. Let’s explore some of the things you should consider:

Inclusive callsIf your calls can go on a bit, getting a landline deal with a limited number of minutes to call other home phones might prove expensive in the long run. Luckily, Virgin Media landline has four call plans available so you’re bound to find one that works for you.
Weekend chatter, our simplest call plan, is your starting point. You’ll get inclusive weekend calls to UK landlines∆. The monthly cost of your line rental is the price of the landline call plan – so there’s no additional fee for that

Inclusive minutes to mobile numbers Perhaps you don’t want to confine your catchup time to just the weekend. If that’s you, then our Evening & weekend chatter is right up your alley. It comes jam-packed with inclusive evening and weekend calls to UK landlines∆ and UK mobiles too. What more can you ask for?
With Anytime chatter you’ll get all of the above but you can make inclusive anytime calls, Monday to Sunday, not just in the evening or at the weekend. That’s essentially unlimited calls – and your talk time sorted.

For a full list of telephone charges download our everyday call charges guide.
International calls If you’ve got friends or family living abroad and you’re keen to keep in touch, now you can from your landline phone. With International anytime chatter you can make phone calls to them whenever it suits.

Whether you intend to wake up at 3am to catch your friend in Sydney, Australia (where it’s 1pm), you won’t tot up a hefty phone bill. Enjoy inclusive whenever-you-want calls to UK landlines∆, UK mobile numbers and 50 popular international destinationsϪ.
Landline plus a bit extra Every caller has different needs, that’s why we have lots of landline add-ons to choose from. When you compare landline deals at Virgin Media, from our simplest landline add-on right down to our speak anytime of the day or night add-on, you’ll have enough minutes to catch up with your favourite people.
Select our best landline add-on with one of our broadband plans. You’ll be able to choose the right broadband speed for your house. So not only will you be able to pick up the phone and chat to a mate, you can connect your gadgets and send a few emails, have a video call or stream some boxsets online.
If you really want to push the boat and give yourself the best of everything, our landline, TV and broadband packages will have you talking, streaming and surfing whenever you want. The hardest part is choosing the best combination deal for your household.